To view the video of this presentation on our Vimeo Gallery, click here. To listen to the audio lecture on Sermon Audio, click here. To see this article as a PowerPoint presentation on SlideShare, click here. To see this article online, with pictures, click here. Disinformation Campaign Exposed One of the most extraordinary mysteries, conspiracies and disinformation campaigns has finally been exposed, implicating numerous prominent heads of state in the atrocities and subsequent cover-up scandals. A complex edifice of deception has been thoroughly dismantled by patient and persistent perseverance and pressure. Mission to Poland On a Mission to Poland in 1990, I saw a monument for the victims of the Katyn Forest Massacre in 1940, I questioned whether they did not mean 1941? "Surely you don't believe the Russian propaganda?" they challenged me. I did not know what they were talking about. The Polish Christians were most agitated over my ignorance on this matter.
The 20th Century proved to be the bloodiest century in all of history. Humanism has proven to be the most destructive religion of all time. Far more people have been killed in the name of Atheism than by all other religions combined. The Worst Century Historian Paul Johnson has observed that “the 20th Century state has proved itself the greatest killer of all time.” The 20th Century has seen the worst atrocities ever committed. The word “genocide”, a new term coined in the 20th Century, describes what has occurred repeatedly in secular humanist states, which had first disarmed their populations. Devaluing Life Darwinian evolutionism, with its “survival of the fittest” ideology, has devalued human life. If man is not created in the image of God and if there is no God in heaven who will judge the living and the dead, if there are no objective standards of right and wrong, then life becomes cheap. When you devalue God, you devalue life. “You came from nothing! You are going nowhere! Life is meaningless!” 1989 was a momentous year. Across the world, from Trafalgar to Tiananmen Square, voices long repressed began to be heard. Unrest became pandemic. Nation after nation began to shake off the shackles that had bound them and assert their human rights and religious freedom. Those were heady days. Bible Smuggling Decades of Bible smuggling and Gospel radio broadcasts, behind the Iron Curtain, had supported the tenacious persecuted Christians who were winning their neighbours and even some of their persecutors, to Christ. In his Manifesto of 1848, Karl Marx wrote: "The theory of the communists may be summed up in a single sentence: Abolition of private property." "You reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so: that is just what we intend." Have We Adopted Marxist Ideas? To this end, he advocated:
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To view a PowerPoint of this article, click here. To listen to the audio of this presentation, click here. Devious Distortion and Disinformation Even over 100 years after this horrific event, disinformation and distortion obscure many facts. Wikipedia has the audacity to entitle this event: “Execution of the Romanov Family”! How the brutal and sadistic murder of not only Czar Nicholas II, but his wife, Alexandra and their five children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexei, could be described as an “execution” defies belief. 9 November, marks the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. A speech at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, 5 March 1946, declared that “An Iron Curtain has descended across the continent”. From Stettin in the North to Trieste in the South barbed wire and barricades, walls and machine gun towers were going up, sealing off the captive nations occupied by the Soviet Union from their neighbours in the West. The Iron Curtain divided a continent and trapped hundreds of millions of people under communism. The Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin, declared that the Second World War was not a disaster but “a great opportunity” to extend communism into the very heart of Europe.
14 July is celebrated in France as Bastille Day. It commemorates the storming of the Bastille and the launch of The French Revolution.
This article can be viewed as a PowerPoint on Slideshare. To hear the audio lecture on The French Revolution, click here. To view the video Presentation click here A Time of Turmoil The French Revolution was one of the most influential events of modern history. The ten-year period from 1789 to 1799 when France went from a Monarchy to a Republic, to a Reign of Terror, to Dictatorship was one of the most tumultuous times in European history. Myth and Reality Much myth and romantic legend has been written on what some politicians would like the French Revolution to have been, but the reality was that the French Revolution was a monstrous horror. In the name of "liberty, equality, fraternity or death!" over 40,000 people lost their heads to the guillotine, 300,000 people were publically executed by firing squads, drownings and other methods of mass murder and ultimately many millions died in the 25 years of war and upheavals that resulted.
To hear the audio lecture of this article, click here.
To view the video presentation of this article, click here. To view the PowerPoint presentation of this article, click here. Bitter Winter of Discontent The Russian winter of 1916/1917 was one of the coldest in memory. On 23 February (by the old-style Russian calendar, or 8 March, by the Western calendar) 1917, 90,000 textile workers went on strike. By the next day, half of the industrial workers in St. Petersburg were on strike. By the third day, the number had risen to almost a quarter of a million. Defeats Lead to Disaster The continual string of defeats in the First World War, the chronic shortage of food and, perhaps most importantly, the lack of fuel for cooking and heating, led to what was called the Women’s Strike, although far more men were involved. Riots broke out, people were killed. Shops were looted. “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the Judgment.” Hebrews 9:27 It Is Appointed for Men to Die and Face Judgement To some the doctrine of Eternal Judgment is a great comfort. To others it is a terrifying concept. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. Man Knows Not His Time The world was informed that the longest ruling dictator in Africa, Marxist terrorist, Robert Mugabe died in a hospital in Singapore. How various people reacted to this news speaks volumes. The First President of Zambia has Died Kenneth David Kaunda, the first president of Zambia, died 17 June 2021 aged 97. As he was Zambia’s first president, in office from 24 October 1964 to 2 November 1991, many are seeking to evaluate his legacy. The Family of Kaunda Kenneth Kaunda, or KK, as he was generally referred to, was born in Chinsali, Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), 28 April 1924. His wife, Betty, who he married in 1946, died in 2012. They had eight children. Before entering politics, KK was a teacher. He was the youngest of eight children. His father was Reverend David Kaunda, a Church of Scotland missionary and teacher, who was born in Nyasaland (now Malawi). A Humanist in Africa KK wrote in his book A Humanist in Africa, that he could never agree with the Calvinist religion of his parents who believed in the depravity of man. KK asserted that he believed in the “goodness of man”. |
October 2022